ESPEN-ENHA-MNI Joint Session 2017

ESPEN (The European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism, the European Nutrition for Health Alliance and MNI held a joint session on “Optimal Nutritional Care for All: Innovative and Patient-Centric Care” during the 39th ESPEN Congress took place from 9 to 12 September 2017 in The Hague, The Netherlands.

André Van Gossum (ESPEN Chairman) welcomed the audience and moderated the session. Olle Ljungqvist (ENHA Co-Chair) provided for a great overview on the Optimal Nutritional Care for All campaign and introduced the new ONCA website, which it is now a valuable repository of nutritional care good practices.

Cees Smit (European Patients Forum Policy) and Rosa Burgos (SENPE Spanish Society for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition) addressed the needs of complex patients and called for better care coordination by bridging social and healthcare. They reminded the audience that the person – beyond the body – should be at the heart of healthcare. Cees Smith called for the inclusion of nutritional information in electronic patient records and for an earlier introduction of nutritional care in the treatment of complex patients.

Brian O’Connor (European Connected Health Alliance) outlined the benefits that eHealth could bring to nutritional care and pointed that nutrition needs to find its place in national digital health agendas .

The Joint Session was closed by the announcement of the MNI Grant Winner 2017 by Tim Meyerhoff (MNI President). The MNI Grant 2017 was awarded to the British Dietetic Association (BDA) / Global Centre for Nutrition and Health (NNEdPro) for its outstanding project “Nutrition Education Policy for Healthcare Practice”. More information on MNI Grant 2017 is available here.

Full programme of the Joint Session

The presentations are available here below for download:

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