Better Care through Better Nutrition: MNI launches its call for integrating nutritional care as a core component of the patient care pathway

MNI Manifesto, 2024

“Good patient care includes nutritional status screening, diagnosis and treament for people who are malnourished. It’s time to act!”

Ahead of the 2024 European elections, Medical Nutrition International Industry and 3 co-signatories are proud to launch their Manifesto with the aim of guiding EU bodies on how to integrate nutritional care as a core component of the patient care pathway for the 2024-2029 period.

Endorsed by All.Can, SNE – Specialised Nutrition Europe and ESNO, the European Specialises Nurses Organisation, the Manifesto calls to:

  • Include early malnutrition screening in health policy plans
  • Recognise that nutritional care may improve health outcomes
  • Fight inequalities of patient access to nutritional care by reflecting on reimbursement of treatment
  • Consider nutritional interventions as an investment in health
  • Ensure the adequate clinical use of nutritional interventions

MNI calls on future decision and policy makers in the European Commission and Parliament to commit to supporting and promoting adequate, available and accessible nutritional care for patients in need.

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